The seat bag is also the seat. The driving accessories are generally inconspicuous and difficult to attract people’s attention. However, a good seat can provide us with a comfortable and healthier riding. Everyone has different feelings of comfort. You may need to constantly try new seat bags to find one that suits you. On the premise of a good and suitable car seat, the correct and suitable position of the car seat is also very important. Therefore, there is a car seat clip.
Regardless of whether it is a low-end or high-end seat bag, the most basic adjustment function is to adjust the up and down tilt angle. Generally, the seat has a guide rail design, which can adjust the front and rear positions. In order to facilitate adjustment and reserve positions, it is generally adjusted from the middle of the guide rail, and fine-tune 2-3mm at a time. The shape of the seat clip is different, and the fixing method is different, but no matter what type of seat clip, it must be completely loosened before adjustment.
When adjusting, remember to check whether the clamp and the guide rail are fastened, and whether there is any corrosion.