Before, the bicycle factory introduced to you what kind of bicycle tools you need to carry when riding out. The most important thing for riding outside is portability, small size and light weight. Then, at home, there are not so many restrictions. So, at home, if you want to adjust the bicycle by yourself, what tools do you need?
The Guangzhou Bicycle Factory recommends that you prepare as many tools as possible, because you don’t have to consider so many questions at home, but consider whether the tools are complete.
Open-end wrench, the opening diameter of the open-end wrench can be as large as we want. Therefore, for opening some screws and nuts, the open-end wrench is the best choice.
Screwdriver, flat or cross, this can adjust the transmission and V brake.
Pliers, pliers are still used more when repairing bicycles, such as tightening the shift cable and brake cable, and you can also twist the screws.
The metric wrench set, also called the torx wrench, can be used in common specifications for bicycles: 12X14, 13X15. The brake cable can be adjusted, and the front and rear wheels of the bicycle without quick release can be disassembled.
Chain cutter, if you want to replace the chain, then this is a must.
High-pressure pump, this pump should be easy to use, high pressure as the standard, not a temporary mini pump that you carry when riding, preferably with a barometer.
The above are some tools introduced by the bicycle factory and everyone to adjust the bicycle at home. If you want to repair the bicycle by yourself, please pay attention to the next article.