Generally speaking, flat handles, which are mountain bikes, folding bicycles, and ladies’ bicycles, use handlebar covers, while road bikes and track bikes use handlebars.
When replacing the handlebar strap, after removing the handlebar strap, you should clean it thoroughly, and then wind the new handlebar strap. There are grooves reserved for the cable on the 5 lower handles. Before winding the new handlebar strap, use the electrical tape to tie the wires. The tube is fixed. It is relatively easy to remove the strap, just tear off the old strap directly. It just needs a little bit of effort to wind up the new handlebar.
Although the grip is simpler than the strap, it still requires a little skill to remove it, and it is more difficult to remove it with brute force. When removing the grip, we need to use some penetrating liquid to pull out the grip more easily. According to the new grip, it is the same. Put a small amount of alcohol or penetrant on the inner wall of the sleeve, push it into the appropriate position, and plug it. New plugging is enough.